Dench wins award for a lifetime's work

Clare Garner
Wednesday 10 December 1997 00:02 GMT

Dame Judi Dench added yet another award to her collection yesterday. The actress who was licensed to call James Bond "a sexist, misogynist dinosaur and a relic of the Cold War" when she played his boss in Goldeneye, was honoured for her lifetime's work at the Women in Film and Television Awards.

The 63-year-old actress (right) who plays icy spymaster M in Tomorrow Never Dies, the latest 007 film, which premiered in London last night, was awarded the Channel 4 Lifetime Achievement Award.

Earlier this year, Dame Judi made history by winning two Olivier awards in one year: best actress for her performance in Absolute Hell and best actress in a musical for her role in A Little Night Music. Last week she picked up Best Film Actress for her portrayal of Queen Victoria in Mrs Brown at the Scottish Bafta awards.

Women in Film and Television, sponsored by Carlton, celebrates the achievements of women in the industry. Yesterday's ceremony at the Dorchester Hotel, in London was opened by Tom Clarke, minister for film and tourism,who said that the film and television industries ignored women's talents at their peril.

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