Experience is top job requirement


Tuesday 03 June 1997 23:02 BST

When it comes to job hunting, where applicants have worked is more important than their skills or qualifications. And personal contacts may be a better source of vacancies than an employment agency, according to a new survey into recruitment.

The Institute of Personnel and Development asked recruiters which factors were most important in deciding the best candidate for a job. Past experience came top, followed by skills, competence, qualifications and finally personal qualities. It also emerged that word-of-mouth recruitment was widespread - which was a cause of concern because it "perpetuated existing imbalances in the workforce". Angela Baron, author of the survey, said: "If you ask a white, middle-class thirtysomething man to recommend someone, he is likely to recommend someone very similar. It also prevents employers from accessing the best possible talent available because it restricts their options to the limited number of people known to their existing workforce."

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