Current Twitter trends: Hard rock and K-pop

Relax News
Tuesday 29 December 2009 01:00 GMT
(All Rights Reserved)

Twitter users are mourning the death of heavy metal band Avenged Sevenfold's drummer Jimmy 'The Rev' Sullivan, who died December 28 at his home in California.

"#RIPTheRev" and "Avenged Sevenfold" took fourth and eighth place in the top Twitter trends on December 29 respectively.

Korean pop music is also hot, with fans celebrating the birthday of Kim Ki Bum, singer with South Korean boy band U-Kiss. #KiBum takes sixth place in current Twitter trends, whilst #itsakpopthing ("It's a Korean pop thing") is in ninth place.

TLS is also a trending topic at number ten, with users both retweeting from the @TopLoveStories account and adding their own new stories. @TopLoveStories provides daily quotes to "help you get over pain, feel love, and make you smile & laugh!"

The top trend is #secretturnon, where users reveal the secret things that turn them on such as "when she says 'I'll drive'," or "swishy hair," followed by music awareness/discovery topic "now playing" (#nowplaying), and "I love it when" (#iloveitwhen) in third place, encouraging users to share occurrences they appreciate such as "#iloveitwhen karma catches up to those who deserve it" or "#iloveitwhen guys have a sense of humor."

The top 10 most talked about topics on Twitter on December 29 at 9:30 AM GMT are:

1. #secretturnon
2. #nowplaying
3. #iloveitwhen
4. #RIPTheRev
5. #omgfacts
6. #KiBum
7. #PleaseSeekHelp
8. Avenged Sevenfold
9. #itsakpopthing
10. #tls

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