'Speak up!' The BBC's only muted Olympic coverage


Luke Blackall
Wednesday 25 July 2012 22:57 BST
Fiona Bruce had to deal with several technical glitches
Fiona Bruce had to deal with several technical glitches

Always keen to find something wrong with both the Olympics and the BBC, the media have their first victim: the corporations' Stratford news studio.

Tuesday evening's News at Ten was affected by both poor sound quality and background noise, which resulted in Fiona Bruce sounding like she was broadcasting from inside a glass bowl.

A spokeswoman for the BBC said that they were aware of the problems and believe that they have resolved them: "Outside broadcasting can be a particular challenge but being live at the Olympic Park allows us to do justice to the biggest sporting event in the UK for a generation. Work has been done to improve the sound quality on some of our output."

The Beeb's solution has been the introduction of sound-deadening curtains and carpet, (perhaps those who live in noisy flats should take note) which they believe has solved the problem. If it hasn't, expect a cacophony of anti-BBC coverage.

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