
Saturday 25 January 1997 00:02 GMT


TODAY: Births: St Edmund Campion, Jesuit martyr, 1540; William Somerset Maugham, author, 1874; Adeline Virginia Woolf, author, 1882. Deaths: Lucas Cranach the Younger, painter, 1586; Al Capone, gangster, 1947; Ava Lavinia Gardner, actress, 1990. On this day: Henry VIII married Anne Boleyn, 1533; the Pentagon building in Washington was completed, 1943. Today is Burns Night and the Feast Day of the Conversion of St Paul, St Apollo, St Artemas, St Dwynwen, Saints Juventinus and Maximimus, St Poppo, St Praejectus or Prix and St Publius.

TOMORROW: Births: Ugo (Niccolo) Foscolo, poet, 1778; Douglas MacArthur, general, 1880; Jacqueline du Pre, cellist, 1945. Deaths: Edward Jenner, physician, discoverer of vaccination, 1823; Edward G. Robinson, actor, 1973. On this day: Sydney, Australia, was founded, 1788; Hong Kong became a British sovereign territory, 1841; the Rugby Union was founded, 1871. Tomorrow is Australia Day, Republic Day, India and the Feast Day of St Alberic, St Conan of Man, St Eystein, St Margaret of Hungary, St Paula, St Thordgith or Theorigitha of Barking, St Timothy and St Titus.



National Gallery: Julia Tozer, "Crimes and Misdemeanours (iv): Puvis de Chavannes, The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist", 12pm.

Tate Gallery: Laurence Bradbury, "Meaningful Figurative Transformations", 1pm.

British Museum: Rowena Loverance, "The Sutton Hoo Ship Burial", 1.15pm.


Tate Gallery: Laurence Bradbury, "Art that Maps the Patterned World", 2.30pm.

National Portrait Gallery: Paul Webb, "Dame Gladys Cooper", 3pm.

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