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Friday 14 August 1992 23:02 BST

Lord Justice Bingham, to be Master of the Rolls, in succession to Lord Donaldson of Lymington.

Dr Allan Maclean, to the chair in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine.

Professor Geoffrey Goldspink, to the Chair in Anatomy and Developmental Biology, the Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine.

Col Nicolas Davies, to be Chief Clerk and Deputy Clerk of the Council of the Duchy of Lancaster.

Sir Keiran Prendergast, to be British High Commissioner to the Republic of Kenya, in succession to Mr Roger Tomkys.

Mr JH Culver, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Nicaragua, in succession to Mr Roger Brown.

Mr Gordon Johnston, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Slovenia.

Mr David Robert George Tapp, to be Provincial Stipendiary Magistrate for the Merseyside Commission Area, based at Liverpool.

Mr Wilfred Norman Wyde, to be a member of the Council of Tribunals.

Mr DL White, British High Commissioner at Tarawa, to be additionally first Ambassador (non- resident) to the Federated States of Micronesia and the first Ambassador (non-resident) to the Republic of the Marshall Islands.

Mr Bryan Sparrow, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Croatia.

Mr Peter Jones, to be a member of the Legal Aid Board.

Mr David Philip Pugsley, Mr David Ian Mackay and Mr Frederick Reginald Bryn Holloway, to be Circuit Judges.

Miss Hilda Frances Heath and Mrs Ann Rosemary Campbell, to be District Judges.

Mr Gordon Rayment Ashton, to be a District Judge at the Preston and Blackpool County Courts and the District Registry of the High Court at Preston and Blackpool.

Prince Edward, to become President of the Lord's Taverners for 1993 and 1994.

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