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Friday 21 April 1995 23:02 BST


TODAY: Mr Leo Abse, former MP, 78; Lord Airedale, Deputy Chairman of Committees and Deputy Speaker, House of Lords, 80; Mr Eddie Albert, actor, 87; Sir Michael Atiyah, mathematician, 66; Sir Christopher Ball, former Warden, Keble College, Oxford, 60; Mr Lewis Biggs, Curator, Tate Gallery, Liverpool, 43; Mr Alan Bond, yachtsman and businessman, 57; Mr Peter Bowring, former chairman, C.T. Bowring, 72; Mr Glen Campbell, country singer 57; Mlle Yvette Chauvir, ballerina assoluta, 78; Sir John Chilcot, Permanent Secretary, Northern Ireland Office, 56; Mr George Cole, actor, 70; Mr Alan Dukes, former leader of the Fine Gael party in Ireland, 50; Dr Eric Fenby, former Professor of Harmony, Royal Academy of Music, 89; Sir William Gage, High Court judge, 57; Mr Lloyd Honeyghan, welterweight boxer, 35; Mr Ronald Hynd, choreographer, 64; Mr Robert Key MP, 50; Mr Archy Kirkwood MP, 49; Mr Nico Ladenis, restaurateur, 61; Dr Geoffrey Marshall, Provost, Queen's College, Oxford, 66; Lord Menuhin, violinist, 79; Mr Jack Nicholson, actor, 58; The Earl of Oxford and Asquith, former Governor of the Seychelles, 79; Miss Margaret Pereira, forensic scientist, 67; Sir Edward Ratford, former ambassador to Norway, 61; Mr R.J. Ritchie, former tennis player, 85; Professor Sir Eric Scowen, physician, 85; Mr Charles Sisson, author and poet, 81; Mr David Summerscale, Head Master, Westminster School, 58; Sir Robert Wade-Gery, executive director and vice-chairman, Barclays de Zoete Wedd, 66.

TOMORROW: Mrs Shirley Temple Black, former child actress and US ambassador, 67; The Most Rev Michael Bowen, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Southwark, 65; Mr Bill Cotton, chairman, Noel Gay Television, 67; Mr Antony Craxton, television producer, 77; Mr James Donleavy, author, 69; Mr Barry Douglas, pianist, 35; Sir Diarmuid Downs, automotive engineer, 73; Mr David Evans MP, 60; Mr Harold French, actor, theatre and film director, 98; Mr Leslie French, actor, singer and director, 91; Air Marshal Sir Timothy Garden, Commandant, Royal College of Defence Studies, 51; The Hon Victoria Glendinning, author, 58; Mr William Hagerty, former Editor, the People, 56; Sir Arnold Hall, former chairman, Hawker Siddeley Group, 80; Sir Russell Hillhouse, Permanent Under-Secretary, Scottish Office, 57; Mr Kevin Jarvis, cricketer, 42; Mr James Kirkup, author and playwright, 72; Dr Richard Laws, Master, St Edmund's College, Cambridge, 69; Mr Tony Miles, chess player, 40; Mr Ronald Neame, film producer and director, 84; Sir Thomas Padmore, former senior civil servant, 86; Mr Mike Smith, disc jockey, 40; Professor George Steiner, author and Extraordinary Fellow, Churchill College, Cambridge, 66; Mr Ed Stewart, former disc jockey, 54; Mr Walter Sweeney MP, 46; Sir Herbert Tetley, actuary, 87; Mr Colin Welch, columnist and critic, 71; Miss Tessa Wyatt, actress, 47; Sir Eric Yarrow, former chairman, Clydesdale Bank, 75.

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