The Five Minute Interview: Samantha Davies, yachtswoman.

"I loved being able to dust off my bikini and wash my hair on Roxy’s deck."

John Hall
Monday 23 February 2009 11:29 GMT

Samantha Davies, 34, is a leading British sailor and yachtswoman. She recently completed the solo, non-stop round the world Vendée Globe sailing race aboard her Open 60 racing yacht, Roxy. She is supported by female lifestyle brand Roxy, which offers products for every aspect of the active woman's life. To follow Sam’s progress, visit

If I weren't talking to you right now I'd be…

Racing in the Vendée Globe onboard my lovely pink boat Roxy. I recently completed the race after 95 days at sea and 27,470 miles covered, finishing in 4th place.

A phrase I use far too often...

Would be ‘tea please!’ I drink far too much tea and want to have it all the time. I had a disaster last week when the handle fell off my trusty mug aboard Roxy. I felt like crying.

I wish people would take more notice of...

I wish people would take more notice of the opportunities to sail in the UK. We are the top sailing nation in the world and our Skandia Team GBR sailors did us proud at the Olympics this summer. It is a great sport that tests both your mental and physical attributes and it’s also a lot of fun.

A common misperception of me is...

That just because I am a solo offshore sailor, I cannot still enjoy girly things. When I was sailing across the equator, I loved being able to dust off my bikini and wash my hair on Roxy’s deck. When I arrived back on shore, one of the first things I did was to have a hot shower.

The most surprising thing that ever happened to me was...

Without a doubt it has been how I managed to push Roxy so hard for so long in the extreme conditions of the Southern Ocean. I was never scared, although looking back now I don't understand how, as there were some truly hairy moments, including monster icebergs and scary flying fish.

I am not a politician but...

I would push to get more sport on the curriculum. I see it as a great way to build confidence and team building skills amongst kids, plus it means you get more chances to go sailing!

I'm good at...

The ability to be happy regardless of whatever situation I am in. Ellen MacArthur sails better when she’s miserable. I’m the opposite: I sail better when I’m smiling.

But I'm very bad at...

Not eating chocolate. I loved having a daily chocolate ration in the race – fruit and nut was my favourite as it is packed full of energy that helped immensely when Roxy was being buffeted by huge waves.

The ideal night out is...

Being with friends and just enjoying each other’s company.

In moments of weakness I...

I turn to a chocolate bar initially and then to my ‘cheri’, Romain.

You know me as a yachtswoman but in truer life I'd have been...

I had the opportunity to become a synchronized swimmer, which I would have pursued had I made the national team. Alternatively, I’m really proud of my BA and Masters in Engineering from St John’s College, Cambridge, so I could have pursued a career linked with this.

The best age to be is...

Definitely 21, because you have more life experience than an 18 year old, yet you have your whole life ahead of you!

In a nutshell, my philosophy is…

You only live once: make the most of it!

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