Trump UK visit: Doctors and MPs outraged over inclusion of NHS in post-Brexit trade negotiations – ‘Not on my watch’

US president says a ‘phenomenal’ agreement could double or treble commercial links between the UK and America

Andrew Woodcock
Political Editor
Tuesday 04 June 2019 18:18 BST
Donald Trump says NHS is 'on the table' in post-Brexit trade deal

Donald Trump has kicked off a furious battle over the terms of a post-Brexit trade deal, insisting that the NHS must “absolutely” be included in any negotiations.

His comments were met with a wall of defiance from British doctors, healthcare unions and politicians, including the health secretary and Tory leadership hopeful Matt Hancock, who responded bluntly: “Not on my watch.”

Speaking alongside Theresa May after talks in Downing Street which focused on what he claimed would be a “phenomenal” deal, doubling or even trebling UK/US trade, Mr Trump insisted that “everything’s on the table – the NHS and a lot else”.

But Mr Hancock retorted in a tweet: “Dear Mr President. The NHS isn’t on the table in trade talks – and never will be. Not on my watch.”

His unequivocal response put immense pressure on rival contenders for the succession to do likewise, potentially placing a significant roadblock in the path of an eventual deal. He was swiftly followed by no-deal hardliner Dominic Raab and pro-Remain Sam Gyimah.

The British Medical Association called on all those in the race to commit to excluding the healthcare system from negotiations, declaring: “Profit should never take priority over the protection of the health service and the healthcare of citizens.”

Health union Unison said the health service must not be used as a “bargaining chip”, while Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn proclaimed: “Our NHS is not for sale”.

Access to lucrative UK health markets and breaking the NHS’s tight control on drug prices are key priorities for the US in any trade deal, alongside the easing of animal welfare and public health protections which block the import of chlorine-washed chicken and GM crops.

A summary of the US bargaining position released in February stated explicitly that Washington was seeking “full market access” for its drugs companies and “non-discriminatory treatment with respect to the purchase and sale of goods and services” by state bodies in the UK.

At a Foreign Office press conference on the second day of his state visit to the UK, Mr Trump initially appeared puzzled when asked whether he wanted the NHS included in any deal, before replying: “When you’re dealing in trade everything is on the table.

“So NHS or anything else, a lot more than that, but everything will be on the table, absolutely.”

Ms May tried to play down the significance of his comments, saying that in any trade deal “both sides negotiate and come to an agreement about what should or should not be in that trade deal for the future”.

Aides later said that the question of the NHS had not arisen in two hours of talks in No 10, where the two leaders spoke more broadly about their shared desire for an ambitious deal, as well as discussing differences over Iran, climate change and China.

Mr Trump seemed reassured that the UK will heed Washington’s warnings not to involve Chinese tech giant Huawei in its 5G telecoms network.

He withdrew threats to stop sharing intelligence with Britain, insisting that there would “absolutely [be] an agreement on Huawei and everything else ... we will be able to work out any differences.”

US concerns over earlier reports that Ms May had decided to allow Huawei to bid for contracts on “non-core” elements of 5G appeared to be allayed by her assurance to the president that an ongoing review of the issue would be “rigorous” and that she would not compromise security. Aides indicated that a decision could be made before Ms May leaves office in July, saying it would be announced as soon as the review was concluded.

Protesters with a Trump baby blimp flying over Parliament Square
Protesters with a Trump baby blimp flying over Parliament Square (EPA)

The talks took place as thousands joined noisy protests in nearby Trafalgar Square before moving to Parliament Square where the famous orange “Trump babyblimp was flown once more.

Mr Corbyn addressed the crowds, but did not mention Trump by name as he denounced his attacks on London mayor Sadiq Khan and condemned “the far-right in politics in Britain, in Europe and the United States”.

Mr Trump claimed not to have seen any more than a “small” protest, dismissing reports of large demonstrations as “fake news” and insisting that there were “thousands of people on the streets cheering”.

The president revealed that he had turned down a request from the Labour leader to meet, describing him as “a somewhat negative force”.

“I really don’t like critics as much as I like and respect people who get things done – so I decided not to meet,” he said.

Instead, he held talks with Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage during “executive time” at the US ambassador’s residence Winfield House. He was also due to see Tory leadership candidates Jeremy Hunt and Michael Gove – though he claimed not to know who the environment secretary was – and had phone talks with Boris Johnson, who turned down a meeting in order to address a hustings of Tory MPs.

'We're going to have absolutely an agreement on Huawei', says Donald Trump

The president had kinder words for Ms May, telling her she was a “tremendous professional” who had not received the credit she deserved for her work on Brexit.

Mr Trump once more claimed incorrectly to have predicted Brexit, and said that it “probably should happen”.

Putting the 2016 vote to leave the EU largely down to concerns over immigration, he said: “This is a great, great country and it wants its own identity. It wants to have its own borders, it wants to run its own affairs.”

But Ms May did not show any sign of taking Mr Trump’s advice that she should “stick around” to see a trade deal through. Smiling broadly when asked whether she might reconsider her decision to step down as Tory leader at the end of this week, she said: “I am a woman of my word.”

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