Dying woman's diamond ring stolen from her finger in final moments at hospice

65-year-old cancer sufferer's son brands thief 'absolute scum'

Tom Pugh
Thursday 28 February 2013 10:02 GMT

A dying woman had her diamond ring stolen from her finger in the final moments of her life at a hospice, her son said.

A thief took the gold band - a gift to Wendy Dolton from her late husband - while she lay in Pilgrim's Hospice in London Road, Canterbury, Kent.

The "vile and despicable" theft took place between 6pm on February 13 and 6pm the following day, when Mrs Dolton died aged 65 following a battle with cancer.

Relatives are outraged because of her helpless state and because the ring had been a 40th wedding anniversary present from her late husband nine years ago.

Her son Sean, 46, said today: "It's a violation of morality that is just unbelievable. I'm speechless. Whoever did this is absolute scum.

"I saw her at about 6pm on the Wednesday and she had it on and she died at around 5pm on the Thursday. I feel sick to know that someone could do that in the last hours of her life.

"It's not just any ring. It was a 40th anniversary present from my father in the last months of his life, so the value is hugely sentimental.

"The fact that someone could do that to someone when they are at their most vulnerable is unbelievable. She would have been lying there and unable to do anything."

Pc Chris Poulter, of Kent Police, who is investigating the theft, said: "The theft of the ring has caused a great deal of upset for Wendy's family at a time when they are already trying to cope with her sad passing.

"Pilgrim's Hospice has been fully co-operative and our investigation continues. We have already visited some second-hand shops and will continue to make inquiries."

Anyone with information about the theft of the ring, described as a gold band with a large square diamond, is asked to call Kent Police on 101.


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