Man charged with murder of two-year-old in Northampton

The two-year-old was found unresponsive on Friday

Sophie Williams
Tuesday 19 December 2017 15:27 GMT
A man has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder following a stabbing at a seafront park in Bogor Regis.
A man has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder following a stabbing at a seafront park in Bogor Regis. (PA)

A man has been charged with murder after a two-year-old boy was found lifeless at a house in Northampton.

The unnamed child was found unresponsive in a property on Arthur Street on 15 December.

He was taken to Northampton general hospital but medics were unable to save his life.

Thirty-year-old Raphael Kennedy was arrested on the same day.

He appeared at Northampton Magistrates Court on Monday and was remanded in custody.

Officers from the East Midlands Special Operations Unit are trying to find out what led to the child’s death.

Detective Chief Inspector Ally White said: “The death of a child is devastating and we are doing all we can to establish the full circumstances of this incident.

“As people would expect, our specially trained officers are offering support to the child’s family who have requested privacy at this time.”

Mr Kennedy is expected to appear at Leicester Crown Court on Wednesday.

Additional reporting by PA

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