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Cardiff bike crash – latest: Family of teen killed reveal what started riot after ‘police chase’

Kyrees Sullivan, 16, and Harvey Evans, 15, died in an electric bike crash in Ely on Monday, sparking a night of riots in Cardiff

Tara Cobham
Saturday 27 May 2023 16:19 BST
Kyrees Sullivan, 16, and Harvey Evans, 15, died in an electric bike crash in Ely on Monday, sparking a night of riots in Cardiff

Family members of the two boys killed in Cardiff while riding an electric bike have revealed what sparked the riot that followed the teenagers’ deaths.

Following the vigil for Kyrees Sullivan, 16, and Harvey Evans, 15, attended by a thousand in Ely on Friday night, the younger boy’s aunt and grandmother spoke of the community’s anger at the lack of answers following the revelation of footage of “police chasing” the teenagers on Monday evening, shortly before they died.

CCTV footage of a marked South Wales Police van following the teenagers as they rode a Sur-Ron electric bike quickly spread on social media after the incident, leading to violent clashes and disorder in Ely.

Harvey’s aunt Hayley Murphy and grandmother Dawn Rees have now revealed to the BBC: “We were stood at the barrier and we were begging them, begging them, to tell us if they were alive or dead, and they wouldn’t tell us nothing – and then someone ran into the crowd and said ‘I’ve got a video of the police chasing them’, and that is what started it.

“That’s what got everyone angry, so I understand because we wasn’t getting no answers.”


Photos show extent of wreckage on Monday night’s riots

Scenes being livestreamed on YouTube on Monday night showed youths throwing fireworks and other missiles at a line of police officers with riot shields who were blocking one end of the street.

Rioters set alight the Ford Focus of local Jane Palmer on Highmead Road, Ely.

Maryam Zakir-Hussain24 May 2023 14:00

Police watchdog director says circumstances leading to crash to be ‘independently investigated’

IOPC director David Ford said: “First and foremost our thoughts and sympathies go out to the families and friends of the two boys who sadly lost their lives on Monday evening in Ely. It is important that we independently investigate the circumstances leading up to this tragic event.

“This incident and the events that followed have, understandably, attracted significant interest and public concern. It is important that we thoroughly and independently investigate this matter, in order to establish the full facts and circumstances of exactly what happened on Monday.”

Maryam Zakir-Hussain24 May 2023 14:15

Vigil planned at 6pm today for killed teenagers

A vigil and balloon release has been planned to pay tribute to two teenagers who died in a crash in Ely, Wales on Monday.

A post on Facebook said the vigil would take place at 6pm Friday on Snowden Road where the crash happened.

The post asked those attending to bring blue balloons.

Maryam Zakir-Hussain24 May 2023 14:37

What happened in Cardiff on Monday night?

A crash that killed two teenagers appears to have “sparked” the rioting seen in Cardiff on Monday evening, the Police and Crime Commissioner for South Wales has said.

Police faced what they called “large scale disorder” after receiving reports of a collision on Snowden Road in Ely around 6pm on Monday, with tensions reaching breaking point as cars were set on fire and fireworks were shot at officers.

Maryam Zakir-Hussain24 May 2023 16:00

Commissioner who dismissed claims of Cardiff police chase before riot now admits ‘possibility’

After dismissing rumours two teenage boys killed in the crash that led to the Cardiff riots were being chased by police, the Police and Crime Commissioner for South Wales has now admitted it is a “possibility”.

Kyrees Sullivan, 16, and 15-year-old Harvey Evans were killed in a collision while riding an electric bike in Ely on Monday evening, sparking a night of violence with cars torched and clashes with riot police.

PCC Alun Michael suggested on Tuesday morning that rumours of a police chase prior to the crash had become “rife” shortly before locals clashed with officers - 15 of whom were injured, according to the force - but said this version of events “wasn’t the case”.

Commissioner who dismissed claims of Cardiff police chase now admits ‘possibility’

Two boys were killed in a crash while riding an electric bike in Ely on Monday evening, sparking a riot

Maryam Zakir-Hussain24 May 2023 16:30

Boys’ families issue tributes

The families of the two boys who died have issued grief-stricken tributes to them and appealed for peace in the area.

Harvey’s family said: “Our hearts are truly broken by the sudden death of Harvey, our much-loved son, grandson, brother, nephew, friend, and boyfriend.

“He lived life to the full, he had a big heart and deep down he truly cared. He was a best friend to Kyrees, and our thoughts and prayers are with his family also.

“We ask for peace within the community and request that people leave the investigation to the police so we can get the answers we so desperately need to lay Harvey to rest.

“As Harvey’s mum I want to remember our son as the fun and loving son that he was and not as the media are portraying him now.”

Kyrees’ family said: “Kyrees was a loving, caring handsome young man, a loving son to Belinda and Craig, little brother to Aleah and Jordan and a special uncle KyKy to Myra.

“He was loved so much by his grandparents and aunties and uncles and his many cousins.

“Him and Harvey along with Niall were best friends since they were young and went everywhere together, they both had so many friends and were very well liked doing many things together, having fun & laughs!!

“They were loved by not only their families but by their community as well. Belinda, Craig & families, would like to thank everyone for all their kind words, flowers, and messages since they lost their son.”

Jane Dalton24 May 2023 16:31

Police are starting a press conference to issue an update on the case.

Jane Dalton24 May 2023 16:36

No police car in Snowden Road, police say

Police said they are aware of concerns in the community around the timings so are confirming the timings.

Deputy Chief Constable Rachel Bacon said it was a complex investigation.

At 17.49 CCTV showed the bike turning around

The police car did not have blue flashing lights on.

At 18.06 the police car put its lights on after receiving information of a crash.

Ms Bacon said there was no police car in Snowden Road, where the crash happened.

Jane Dalton24 May 2023 16:39

Police chief defends force

Questioned on why police allowed the Police and Crime Commissioner’s claim that rumours of a chase were false persist, Deputy Chief Constable Rachel Bacon defended her force’s actions, saying the facts had not been clear.

She said police had hundreds of hours of CCTV to go through, she had been transparent and officers were listening to people in the community.

“We’re passionate about protecting the people of Ely,” she said, and police wanted to understand why the two boys died.

Ms Bacon left the press conference amid a barrage of questions from journalists.

Jane Dalton24 May 2023 16:46

Police van ‘was half a mile away'

A police van seen behind two teenagers in Cardiff was half a mile away when the crash that killed them happened, Deputy Chief Constable Rachel Bacon said.

Jane Dalton24 May 2023 17:03

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