‘Prepare to face the consequences’: Police chiefs promise crackdown on those flouting new coronavirus rules

Top brass from five northern forces say they will especially target ‘those organising large gatherings and music events, and repeatedly holding parties’

Colin Drury
Thursday 05 November 2020 09:30 GMT
(Getty Images)

Police chiefs in five areas of northern England hardest hit by coronavirus have warned they will crack down on anyone found to be flouting new lockdown laws.

Top brass from Cheshire, Cumbria, Greater Manchester, Lancashire and Merseyside have signed a joint open letter promising a robust response to what they call a “minority [who] seem incapable of following the rules".

Amid concerns that the second national shuttering may not be complied with to the same extent as the first, the chief constables said those found breaking the restrictions should “be prepared to face the consequences of greater levels of enforcement”.

And they added they would especially target “those organising large gatherings and music events, repeatedly holding parties or deliberately causing harm to our communities by not following the restrictions, such as self-isolating where necessary”.

The senior officers also said they were seeking guidance from the government on how they could more rapidly bring to justice the “significant proportion” of people ignoring fines — although they did not make clear just what that significant proportion actually was.

The letter said: “As the police chiefs responsible for the North West we have seen first-hand the misery the pandemic has caused, but we have also seen great support from the majority of our communities…

"Sadly we have seen a minority right across the North West who seem incapable of demonstrating any civic responsibility and complying with the regulations.

"As we head into further significant restrictions, we wanted to give these collective messages.

"To the majority of our communities who have tried so hard to comply with restrictions, please carry on. We know how hard this is, but we need to maintain that shared purpose we had in the first lockdown to defeat the virus and, ultimately, save lives.

"To the minority who feel the restrictions don't apply to them, be prepared to face the consequences of greater levels of enforcement.”

The message came hours ahead of the new lockdown in England, which began on Thursday, and just days after the National Police Chiefs’ Council revealed more than 20,000 fines had already been issued since coronavirus restrictions were introduced in March.

No figures were given on how many of those had been paid.

The letter was signed by Darren Martland of Cheshire Constabulary, Michelle Skeer of Cumbria Constabulary, Ian Hopkins of Greater Manchester Police, Andy Rhodes of Lancashire Constabulary and Andy Cooke of Merseyside Police.

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