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Manchester bombing live updates: Police are investigating 'terror network' behind suicide attack

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Manchester attack: Theresa May raises terror threat rating to 'critical'

The UK terror threat has been raised to critical in the wake of the Manchester suicide bombing attack amid fears attacker Salman Abedi did not act alone.

Monday night's attack at an Ariana Grande concert left 22 people dead and injured 64. Some 20 people are being treated for "horrific injuries" in critical care and 12 of those rushed to hospital were children.

Thousands of soldiers are set to bolster police forces after Theresa May raised the threat level to the highest possible rating, meaning another atrocity is expected imminently.

Five more suspects have been arrested in relation to the attack by Greater Manchester Police in new counter-terror raids.

Theresa May said a "wider group of individuals" could have been involved in the Manchester Arena blast rather than just suicide bomber Abedi.

In a sign of the increased threat, the military could be deployed to support armed police officers, Ms May added during a live televised statement from Downing Street.

Monday night's attack at a concert by US pop star Ariana Grande left 22 people dead, including an eight-year-old girl, and dozens injured.

Isis has claimed responsibility for the barbaric attack, which involved a home-made device packed with nuts and bolts which exploded in the venue's foyer as thousands of young people were leaving.

Abedi, believed to have been born in Manchester and of Libyan descent, has been named as the suicide bomber.

The 22-year-old studied business at Salford University but dropped out before completing his degree.

He is thought to have attended the Manchester Islamic Centre, also known as Didsbury Mosque, along with his parents and siblings.

Elsewhere in the city, the first arrest was made in connection with the inquiry when a 23-year-old man was detained near a Morrisons in Chorlton.

The terror threat level was increased after investigations revealed he may not have acted alone.

Ms May said Operation Temperer - allowing military personnel to take to the streets - is now in force.

Counter-terrorism agencies have mounted a massive inquiry into the outrage - the worst terrorist attack since 52 innocent people were killed in the July 7 bombings in London in 2005:

Samuel Osborne24 May 2017 09:02

Germany's interior minister has ordered that flags on federal government buildings be flown at half-staff following the attack in Manchester. 

Thomas de Maiziere's ministry said flags will be lowered to half-staff for the day on Wednesday.

It described the order as "a signal of sympathy and solidarity after the cruel attack in Manchester." 

Samuel Osborne24 May 2017 09:08

The French flag flies at half mast at the Elysee presidential Palace (Stephane de Sakutin, AP) 

Samuel Osborne24 May 2017 09:09

Salman Abedi is believed to have travelled to Syria and had "proven links" with Isis, the French interior minister has said.

Gerard Collomb told French television that both British and French intelligence services had information that Abedi had been in Syria.

The disclosure came as Home Secretary Amber Rudd confirmed the UK security services had been aware of the British-born 22-year-old.

"We do know that he was known up to a point to the intelligence services," she told Sky News.

"I am sure that we will get more information about him over the next few days and the next few weeks."

Samuel Osborne24 May 2017 09:12
Samuel Osborne24 May 2017 09:16

Home Secretary Amber Rudd has voiced her concern over details of the Manchester attack appearing to come out of the United States stating: "I have been very clear with our friends that that should not happen again."

Ms Rudd said it was "irritating" when information was released from other sources as British authorities worked on the ongoing investigation.

Since the atrocity, some information relating to it has come out from America rather than from the British police or security services.

Asked on BBC Radio 4's Today programme if the information sharing may be working against what the police want in public, Ms Rudd said: "Yes, quite frankly, the British police have been very clear that they want to control the flow of information in order to protect operational integrity, the element of surprise, so it is irritating if it gets released from other sources and I have been very clear with our friends that that should not happen again.

Asked if the Americans had compromised the investigation, she added: "I wouldn't go that far but I can say that they are perfectly clear about the situation and that it shouldn't happen again."

Samuel Osborne24 May 2017 09:19

Armed troops will be deployed to guard "key locations" such as Buckingham Palace, Downing Street, the Palace of Westminster and embassies, Scotland Yard has said.

Samuel Osborne24 May 2017 09:25

This is the first image of Manchester suicide bomber Salman Abedi 

Samuel Osborne24 May 2017 09:32

France has announced it plans to extend its state of emergency until 1 November.

The national state of emergency has been in force since the November 2015 Paris attacks which left 130 dead.

Samuel Osborne24 May 2017 09:38
Samuel Osborne24 May 2017 09:42

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