40 Labour MPs call for Blair to resign

Paul Waugh Deputy Political Editor
Wednesday 12 March 2003 01:00 GMT

Labour Party discontent over Tony Blair's stance on Iraq burst into the open for the first time yesterday when more than 40 MPs called for the Prime Minister to resign.

The Campaign Group of Labour MPs issued a statement calling on the Prime Minister to "consider his position" and fellow left-wingers urged a party conference to discuss a leadership challenge.

Hilton Dawson, the MP for Lancaster and Wyre, also suggested in a Commons debate that Mr Blair should step down if he failed to get a fresh UN mandate for war. And union leaders used a Downing Street meeting with Mr Blair to warn of the dangers of going to war without a second resolution.

John Reid, the party chairman, was withering about the chances of a special party conference, pointing out that the "usual suspects" were behind the idea and it would not get beyond the ruling National Executive Committee.

Government sources also stressed that Gordon Brown, the most likely successor to Mr Blair, would probably adopt a similar policy on Iraq.

But the fact that MPs were openly prepared to contemplate Mr Blair's dismissal underlined the extent of the schism facing the Prime Minister in the absence of a second UN resolution. As well as resignation by Clare Short and others, he faces a rebellion by up to 200 MPs.

Mr Dawson, who is not known as a left-winger, said in the House of Commons that the Prime Minister should consider quitting or risk bringing the Labour Party "to its knees" over war with Iraq.

John McDonnell, the MP for Hayes and Harlington, issued a statement on behalf of the 40 MPs in the Campaign Group that read: "It is time for the Prime Minister to consider his position. If he is not prepared to stand up to George Bush, he must make way for those that will," it said.

Brendan Barber, the TUC general secretary, and other union leaders such as John Edmonds, the GMB leader, expressed their concerns about the Iraq crisis.

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