Boris Johnson describes Trump’s impeachment trial as ‘kerfuffle’

Prime minister says hearing shows ‘American democracy is strong’

Peter Stubley
Sunday 14 February 2021 19:58 GMT
Video: Boris Johnson describes impeachment trial as kerfuffle in US TV interview
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Boris Johnson described Donald Trump's second impeachment trial as a "kerfuffle" as he insisted he had a good relationship with new US president Joe Biden.

The prime minister said that the "clear message" from the proceedings in Congress were that US democracy was "strong and robust" – in contrast to Mr Biden’s description of it as “fragile”.

Mr Johnson made the comments in an interview with CBS' Face The Nation on Sunday after the Senate voted to acquit Mr Trump of incitement to insurrection over the Capitol riot.

Asked what signal the acquittal sent, he replied: "I think the clear message that we get from the proceedings in America is that after all the toings and froings and all the kerfuffle, American democracy is strong and the American constitution is strong and robust.

"And we're delighted now, I'm very delighted, to have a good relationship with the White House, which is an important part of any UK prime minister's mission. And I've had some good conversations already with President Biden, fantastic conversations about the way he sees things.

"And, you know, there's been some important developments in the way the UK, US thinking has been coming together in the last few weeks, and particularly on issues like climate change, on NATO, on Iran, but above all, on the ways that the US and the UK are going to work together to deal with the environmental challenge that faces our planet.

"And there, I think some of the stuff we're now hearing from the new American administration and from the new White House is incredibly encouraging. And we want to work with the president on that."

Mr Johnson is due to hold a virtual meeting with the US president on 19 February to discuss the international fight against Covid-19.

Asked about Mr Biden's previous description of him as “the physical and emotional clone of Donald Trump”, he said he had "two long and very good conversations" with the president and said it was "great news" that the US had rejoined the Paris climate change accords.

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