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Brexit news - live: Corbyn tables no confidence motion in Theresa May as meaningful vote date confirmed

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Lizzy Buchan
Political Correspondent
,Harry Cockburn
Monday 17 December 2018 18:15 GMT
Theresa May confirms date for meaningful vote on Brexit deal for 2019

Jeremy Corbyn tabled a motion of no confidence in Theresa May as Prime Minister on Monday after she attempted to quash support for a Final Say referendum in a statement to MPs.

Mr Corbyn tabled the motion after the prime minister gave the date for a Commons showdown on her Brexit deal as January 14, which she had already postponed at the eleventh-hour in the face of a catastrophic defeat.

Ahead of announcing the no confidence motion at the end of Ms May’s statement in the Commons, Mr Corbyn said she had “led the country into a national crisis", and lost the support of her own cabinet.

Later, No 10 said they would not table a vote on Mr Corbyn's no confidence motion, describing the move as playing "silly games".

See below for the day's developments


Former Tory cabinet minister Andrew Mitchell asks if the PM will consider extending article 50, delaying Brexit.

She will not consider his suggestion.

Justine Greening, another ex-cabinet minister, says May is stifling debate by refusing to allow a new referendum.

May says she is not preventing anyone from debating the issue, and MPs have had many chances to express their views.

Lizzy Buchan17 December 2018 16:07

Labour's Hilary Benn, who chairs the Brexit committee, asks her why she is pretending that the UK could leave without a deal, when she know how damaging it could be.

May says she thinks MPs should back her deal.

Yvette Cooper, the home affairs committee chair, gives a fiery speech. She says May is ruling out options without having support for her own plan.

May says the public wanted to leave the EU and that's what she is doing.

Lizzy Buchan17 December 2018 16:09

Earlier, Tory former minister Dame Cheryl Gillan told MPs that the campaign for a second Brexit referendum was nothing more than a "ruse to try and reverse the result".

Ms May responded: "There was no suggestion when the referendum was put to the people in 2016 that there might be a second referendum. People were told, they were led to believe that their vote would be delivered by the government."

Lizzy Buchan17 December 2018 16:13

Tory backbencher Sarah Wollaston says the only thing that would do irreparable damage to public trust is "running down the clock and forcing through a deal" that most people do not want.

Lizzy Buchan17 December 2018 16:18

Earlier, Labour was prepared to table a motion of no confidence in Theresa May if she refused to name a date for parliament to vote on her Brexit deal.

Here's a bit of detail about their challenge, which appears to have fallen away: 

Lizzy Buchan17 December 2018 16:22

Tory former education secretary Nicky Morgan, who chairs the Treasury committee, asked why MPs were going off on a two-week break for Christmas when such an important vote needs to be held.

May defends the delay, saying she is taking the time to seek further reassurances from the EU.

Lizzy Buchan17 December 2018 16:25

Lizzy Buchan17 December 2018 16:28

Tory Anna Soubry says there is consensus in the country that this is "an unholy mess". She says the people would never forget or forgive the government or the Conservative party if they are taken out on bad terms.

May says the people voted for Brexit and MPs voted to trigger Article 50, which leads to leaving the EU.

Lizzy Buchan17 December 2018 16:31

Here's some reaction from journalists watching the statement.

Lizzy Buchan17 December 2018 16:40

Scottish first minister Nicola Sturgeon is pretty sceptical about Labour's no-confidence vote move.

Lizzy Buchan17 December 2018 16:52

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