Indoor team sport banned in England as Boris Johnson tightens coronavirus restrictions

Wednesday 23 September 2020 07:21 BST
Boris Johnson has made a speech to the nation following new measures for England
Boris Johnson has made a speech to the nation following new measures for England (Andrew Parsons / No10 Downing St)

Indoor team sport is being banned in England again as coronavirus restrictions are tightened following the surge in infections.

Activities including five-a-side football will no longer be allowed from Thursday – as the exemption under the ‘rule of six’ law is removed, Boris Johnson announced.

The move will allow sport to continue outdoors – where the risk of transmission is lower – although the government is not ruling out a further crackdown, if necessary.

In a statement to MPs, the prime minister warned coronavirus would “spread faster as autumn becomes winter”, adding: “This is the moment where we must act.”

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