Brexit explained #88/100

This is why the DUP might change its mind on Brexit

Analysis: There are indications that the Northern Irish party could ultimately end up supporting Theresa May’s deal, as Benjamin Kentish explains

Friday 15 March 2019 16:41 GMT
Will Arlene Foster’s party use its leverage to sweeten the Brexit pill for Northern Ireland?
Will Arlene Foster’s party use its leverage to sweeten the Brexit pill for Northern Ireland? (Reuters)

The DUP‘s opposition to Theresa May‘s Brexit deal is a major problem for the prime minister.

While it only has 10 MPs – a tiny fraction of the 391 that voted against her deal this week – the Northern Irish party’s position is seen as highly significant by many Tory Eurosceptics.

If the prime minister can get the DUP onside, dozens of Conservative MPs may well step into line and back Ms May too.

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