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Heathrow vote - as it happened: Theresa May hopes to get Commons approval of third runway expansion

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Ashley Cowburn
Political Correspondent
,Jon Sharman,Lizzy Buchan
Monday 25 June 2018 20:19 BST
Protestors lay down on lobby of Houses of Parliament to protest Heathrow expansion

MPs have backed a crucial vote on approving a third runway at Heathrow airport after years of delays on the highly contentious issue.

It follows Theresa May’s decision to give the expansion the green light but Boris Johnson, the foreign secretary, who has been a staunch opponent of the plans, came under mounting pressure when it emerged he had jetted off to Afghanistan to dodge the vote.

The government secured a comfortable victory on Monday evening, as Labour MPs were given a free vote on the issue and the SNP decided to abstain.

See below for live updates


Long-standing Heathrow critic, Zac Goldsmith, says thousands of families will be displaced if the Heathrow plan is approved.

The Tory MP says: "The only reason why MPs would sign off on these costs is if they believe the economic upside justifies it. But so much of what we've heard in relation to economic benefits is propaganda.

"It's not even very sophisticated propaganda. Heathrow bosses must be laughing out loud when they tell us that expansion can deliver 250,000 more flights without any extra car journeys or that a third runway means fewer people will be affected by noise."

Lizzy Buchan25 June 2018 20:25

MPs are facing strict time limits on their contributions to the debate. Zac Goldsmith is not happy.

Lizzy Buchan25 June 2018 20:33

The row over Boris Johnson's absence has dominated the news today, after the foreign secretary jetted off to Afghanistan to dodge the Commons vote.

Here's our latest story:

Lizzy Buchan25 June 2018 20:43

Indy sketchwriter Tom Peck says that 'to vote for Boris Johnson and genuinely expect him to keep his word is like voting for the Vegan Christmas Party, and not mind that the man wearing the rosette is Bernard Matthews'.

Read his column here:

Lizzy Buchan25 June 2018 21:00

Lizzy Buchan25 June 2018 21:14

Here's our story on the protest ahead of the Heathrow vote:

Lizzy Buchan25 June 2018 21:40

Lizzy Buchan25 June 2018 21:57

MPs are now voting on the Heathrow expansion plans. The result will be in shortly.

Lizzy Buchan25 June 2018 22:06

MPs have supported the Heathrow Airport expansion by 415 votes to 119, majority 296.

Lizzy Buchan25 June 2018 22:23
Lizzy Buchan25 June 2018 22:30

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