Vince Cable automatically becomes Lib Dem leader after nobody else stands in contest

The former interim leader is now head of the party

Jon Stone
Political Correspondent
Thursday 20 July 2017 17:08 BST
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Sir Vince Cable has become leader of the Liberal Democrats after no other MP stood in the contest to lead the party.

The former interim leader was returned as MP for Twickenham last month after losing his seat in 2015.

He replaces Tim Farron, who led the party from from 2015 until after this year's general election.

Speaking at Lib Dem HQ in central London Sir Vince thanked his predecessor and said the party was "indebted" to Mr Farron.

"He rebuilt our self-belief, he strengthened the idealistic core of the party, he put us at the centre of the national debate about Europe and he rebuilt our membership to record levels," he said.

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