This student's answer to an algebra problem shows they need to be a programmer

'His answer is not just correct. It is the best answer possible'

Samuel Osborne
Saturday 09 April 2016 16:02 BST
Arguably the teacher brought it on themselves by telling students 'you can make the equation as simple or as complex as you want'
Arguably the teacher brought it on themselves by telling students 'you can make the equation as simple or as complex as you want' (Nhjufy/Imgur)

Sometimes the simplest answer is the best.

Reddit user Nhjufy posted a photo of a student's clever answer to an algebra problem which has been celebrated for its simplicity.

When asked to "come up with an equation that is true when x = 7," they gave the cheeky answer "x =7".

"His answer is not just correct," one Reddit user said. "It is the best answer possible."

"Really?" the teacher wrote on the paper.

Arguably they brought it on themselves by telling students "you can make the equation as simple or as complex as you want".

Other Reddit users celebrated the answer. The image has been viewed over 2,300,000 times on Imgur.

One Reddit user pointed out an even simpler equation would have been "X = X" or "0 = 0".

"You want better answers? Write better questions," one user wrote on Imgur.

Previously, a six-year-old took a request to "show your thinking" on a question extremely literally, drawing a picture of himself with a thought bubble coming out of his head.

His teacher was so impressed she awarded him 100 per cent on the test.

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