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Gamestop stock news: Robinhood boss defends trading halt as investors set to get access back

Oliver O'Connell,Graeme Massie
Friday 29 January 2021 01:07 GMT
Hedge funds, Gamestop, Reddit investors explained

Video game retailer GameStop’s stock price has been on a rollercoaster this week due to the actions of users on the WallStreetBets subreddit and the subsequent blocking of their ability to buy stock by several online brokerages.

The Reddit users pushed the stock up from $20 on 11 January to a high of $146.97. At its peak on Thursday morning, the stock was valued at 468.49. Other stocks with a similar profile to GameStop - firms that have struggled in the pandemic - have also soared in value including Bed, Bath & Beyond, AMC, and Nokia.

The decision by online brokerage Robinhood and others to stop the purchase of a number of stocks by amateur investors led to a sharp backlash online and a demand for an investigation by both market commentators and lawmakers. 

After the morning surge in value in pre-market trading, stock in GameStop dropped sharply as markets opened on Thursday, before climbing again. By lunchtime it was down 32 per cent, eventually closing down 44 per cent wiping out almost $11bn in market value.

However, Robinhood announced it will allow limited purchasing of the restricted stocks on Friday causing a bump in the value of shares after the closing bell.

Was this Wall Street’s equivalent of a populist uprising as some are saying or were other forces at work? Elizabeth Warren questioned the David vs Goliath narrative in her calls for more regulation and a sharper toothed SEC.

Both the House and the Senate will now hold hearings into what transpired.

Follow all the latest in our rolling coverage.


Explainer: How the fight between Reddit users and Wall Street unfolded

Video game retailer GameStop’s stock price increased dramatically due to the actions of users on the WallStreetBets subreddit. After online brokerages halted purchases of the stock the price has begun to plummet. Amateur traders are crying foul.

How GameStop’s stock grew tenfold from a fight between Reddit users and Wall Street bankers

The subreddit r/WallStreetBets pushed the retail company’s stock so that ‘everybody was making money’

Oliver O'Connell28 January 2021 16:43

AOC: ‘This is unacceptable’

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez demands more information on Robinhood’s decision to block amateur investors from buying stock when Wall Street can continue to do so.

Oliver O'Connell28 January 2021 16:48

Trevor Noah provides his own GameStop explainer

With a little help from Margot Robbie.

Trevor Noah has fans in hysterics with Margot Robbie GameStop explainer

Comedian parodied scene from The Big Short, in which Robbie explains complex financial terms

Oliver O'Connell28 January 2021 17:01

More unexpected allies

Trumpism and the Progressive Left find a common cause.

Oliver O'Connell28 January 2021 17:10

Yes, the creator of ‘Billions’ knows this would make a good episode

The creator of Showtime's Billions would like the world to know that yes, he is aware of the GameStop short selling war, and yes, he's aware you think it would make a great episode of television.  

Maybe time to ease off on the tweets, everyone?

Fed-up creator of Billions bombarded by fans all pitching the same GameStop plot idea

The show’s creator spent two days fielding the same pitch 

Oliver O'Connell28 January 2021 17:14

Meme break: GameStop edition

The Independent’s Chelsea Ritschel rounds up some of the choicest memes about the GameStop saga. Enjoy.

The best GameStop memes after Redditors inflated company’s value

GameStop saga has led to countless memes about the stock market, The Wolf of Wall Street, and Redditors 

Oliver O'Connell28 January 2021 17:27

Class action complaint filed against Robinhood

Oliver O'Connell28 January 2021 17:28

AOC calls for Congressional probe into Robinhood purchase ban

AOC demands probe after Robinhood app banned GameStop purchases

The app banned users from purchasing the stock, prompting a mass sell-off. The stock has since rebounded. 

Oliver O'Connell28 January 2021 17:44

AOC happy to work with GOP on Robinhood probe

But definitely not with Ted Cruz.

Oliver O'Connell28 January 2021 17:58

GameStop staff on minimum wage hit out at Reddit stock war

GameStop shares may be rising but many employees feel they won’t benefit, Olga Kharif reports.

GameStop staff on minimum wage hit out at Reddit stock war

GameStop shares may be rising but many employees feel they won’t benefit 

Oliver O'Connell28 January 2021 18:01

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