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George Floyd protests - live: Attorney says three officers will be charged over killing, as bishops from church express outrage over Trump photo op

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Chiara Giordano
Chiara Giordano [tid:3641876], Samuel Osborne [tid:71446], Danielle Zoellner [tid:3829706]
,Samuel Osborne,Danielle Zoellner,Justin Vallejo
Tuesday 02 June 2020 19:50 BST
Trump threatens to deploy 'heavily armed' US military to crush George Floyd protests

George Floyd's family is still expecting and waiting for the three other former police officers present during the death, while the Minneapolis Police Department is coming under scrutiny with a civil rights investigation by the Minnesota Department of Human Rights.

It comes as Donald Trump received widespread backlash "law and order" speech that led to riot police clearing out protesters before he posed for photos at St John's Church, which Washington clergy called "baffling and reprehensible".

Attorney General William Barr was said to have ordered the area cleared for the president, which prompted House Democrats to call the Secret Service to brief congress about the violent dispersal.

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 Video evidence mounts of police violence against George Floyd protesters

Protests sparked by the police killing of George Floyd have swept across the United States in recent days. And as the demonstrations have spread, so too have allegations of police violence.

Mounting video evidence from across the country reveals the use of violence by law enforcement agencies against protesters.

Videos show police have used pepper spray, rubber bullets, batons and tear gas against peaceful protesters. The response of US law enforcement to the demonstrations has been criticised by rights group Amnesty International, which accused police of endangering lives.

Richard Hall and Claire Lomas with the story:

Danielle Zoellner2 June 2020 16:08

Blackout Tuesday: Activists urge Instagram users to be careful when posting black squares on their feeds

Activists have urged caution about the "Blackout Tuesday" event on Instagram, which is intended to show solidarity with people fighting against racism and police violence.

The event has seen huge numbers of Instagram users post a black square to their feed as a message of support for the protests. Those posting are then encouraged not to post in their feed, and instead use the time to reflect or read other content.

But numerous people have warned that the messages threaten to cover up other important information, as well as failing to offer the support that the posts aim to convey.

Andrew Griffin reports: 

Danielle Zoellner2 June 2020 16:19

George Floyd memorial service scheduled in Minneapolis on Thursday

A memorial service to honour the life of George Floyd will be held in Minneapolis on Thursday, according to the National Action Network. 

The service will be held at North Central University at 2pm with a eulogy delivered by Reverend Al Sharpton. Mr Floyd and his family's attorney Ben Crump will also deliver remarks. 

Other services for Mr Floyd will be held in Houston on Monday and Tuesday. 

Danielle Zoellner2 June 2020 16:31

Biden hits out at Trump threat to crush protesters and mocks him 'brandishing a bible'

Joe Biden has condemned Donald Trump's threat to use the US military to crush nationwide protests over police brutality and mocked him for his photo opportunity outside a historic church, saying: "The president held up the Bible at St John's church yesterday. I just wish he opened it once in a while instead of brandishing it. If he opened it, he could have learned something."

Speaking in Philadelphia a day after the president demanded "domination" of the streets, his presumptive Democratic challenger in November's election said the killing fo George Floyd was a "wake-up call" for the United States.

He said the United States was "crying out for leadership that can recognise the pain of communities that have had a knee on their neck for a long time".

Graig Graziosi has the latest on Mr Biden's address to the nation: 

Danielle Zoellner2 June 2020 16:38

More than 20,000 National Guard members are activated across the US

The National Guard has deployed more than 20,000 members to states across the US to manage protests, a Defence Department official told CNN. 

At least 28 states have used the National Guard to help control protests. 

New York Andrew Cuomo announced on Tuesday the state's National Guard was now on standby if needed. 

Danielle Zoellner2 June 2020 16:56
Danielle Zoellner2 June 2020 17:02

Cuomo lashes out at New York mayor and police after night of violence

Manhattan's flagship Macy's store was among dozens of businesses hit by looters on Monday evening, as a nighttime curfew in New York failed to prevent widespread looting in the city.

While peaceful protests and marches over the police killing of George Floyd were taking place across the city, roving groups caused chaos in Midtown, smashing their way into shops and stealing merchandise.

The looting began around 8pm, lasting into the night and beyond the 11pm curfew. One video showed what appeared to be dozens of people streaming into the stories Macy's store in Herald Square.

Other videos showed mostly young men taking part in the looting, ignoring the objections of protesters and unbothered by police stationed nearby. The New York Police Department said 700 people were arrested throughout the night in the city.

Richard Hall reports: 

Danielle Zoellner2 June 2020 17:22

Arrest warrants issued against six Atlanta police officers accused of using excessive force

Video footage went viral of six Atlanta police officers using excessive force during an arrest of two college students on Saturday night. 

The college students were in their vehicle driving through downtown Atlanta when officers approached the car and broke its windows. The woman, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was then yanked out of the car and the driver, a male, was tasered by police. 

Police claimed at the time they thought the two people had weapons. 

Arrest warrants have been issued for Lonnie Hood, Willie Sauls, Ivory Streeter, Mark Gardner, Armond Jones and Roland Claud, two of whom were fired from the police force by Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms. 

Charges against some of the officers include aggravated assault against the two students, battery, and criminal damage to property.

Danielle Zoellner2 June 2020 17:43
Danielle Zoellner2 June 2020 17:56

The Kennedy Centre to dim lights for nine days to mark end of George Floyd's life

The Kennedy Centre in Washington DC announced on Tuesday it would be dimming the lights for nine nights in honour of George Floyd. 

The nine minutes represent the almost nine minutes that an officer had his knee placed on Mr Floyd's neck. 

Danielle Zoellner2 June 2020 18:14

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