Biden laughs at mention of secretary of state Mike Pompeo

Very idea that Mike Pompeo is secretary of state seemed to amuse president-elect

Oliver O'Connell
New York
Tuesday 10 November 2020 22:50 GMT
Joe Biden laughs at thought of Mike Pompeo
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During a press conference on Tuesday afternoon, president-elect Joe Biden seemed amused at the very idea that Mike Pompeo is secretary of state.

Asked what options he is considering in terms of access to classified information and secure facilities should Donald Trump refuse to concede, Mr Biden began responding in a measured way.

Saying that the transition would continue as if Mr Trump had conceded, he also said he saw no need for legal action.

"So far, there is no evidence to any of the assertions made by the president or Secretary of State Pompeo,” said the president-elect, before smiling broadly and chuckling.

He then repeated the secretary’s title and name as if in disbelief, and glanced to one side.

Twitter users voiced their approval, with one saying: “This is how we all should be responding with these clowns.”

Another said: “That laugh of disbelief after he repeated ‘Secretary of State Pompeo’, twice, says it all!”

One user said it showed Mr Biden’s level of experience and that he can’t be rattled.

Others appreciated the “shade” he was throwing at Mr Pompeo, noting that the sarcastic laugh and name repetition amounted to “who is he even?”.

Earlier, when asked if the State Department was engaging with the Biden transition team, Mr Pompeo made his own apparent attempt at humour, saying that there would be “a smooth transition to a second Trump administration”.

Mr Pompeo, has been serving as the secretary of state since April 2018, when he replaced Rex Tillerson. 

Prior to that, he spent a year as director of the Central Intelligence Agency, and for six years represented Kansas’ 4th district in Congress.

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