Lawmaker appeals to NYC legal board to disbar Rudy Giuliani

 New Jersey representative accused the lawyer of causing ‘irreversible damage’ to public faith in elections

Louise Hall
Monday 23 November 2020 16:00 GMT
Pennsylvania attorney general says Rudy Giuliani is 'sad to watch'

A Democratic Representative in New Jersey announced he has filed a complaint against Rudy Giuliani with New York’s attorney disciplinary officials seeking his disbarment.

Bill Pascrell accused Mr Giuliani of “filing frivolous lawsuits and trying to help Trump steal the election and dismantle democracy" in a tweet on Monday to which he attached a copy of my complaint to the New York State judicial conduct body.

The representative explained that he had filed legal complaints with the Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, New York, and Pennsylvania bars against Rudy Giuliani and 22 other lawyers.

“Mr Giuliani has participated in frivolous lawsuits and used our nation's courts to assault public confidence in the United States electoral system, violating the New York Rules of professional conduct,” Rep Pascrell wrote in the complaint.

“Therefore, I request your office commence an immediate investigation of his actions and consider sanctions for his conduct up to and including revocation of Mr Giuliani licenses to practice law in your jurisdiction.” 

Joe Biden was declared the winner of the presidential election by major news networks on 7 November but Mr Trump has not yet conceded the election.

Mr Trump campaign, spearheaded by Mr Giuliani, has filed lawsuits in multiple swing states that Mr Trump says cost him his victory, and has pressed state and local authorities not to certify the election results.

The Trump campaign has so far provided no definitive evidence of any voting irregularities.

“Mr Giuliani has participated in the filing of a series of absurd lawsuits seeking to overturn the will of the voters in these states and has caused irreversible damage to the public trust in the fair administration of our elections,” Rep Pascrell accused.

“The pattern of behavior by these individuals to effectuate Mr Trump’s sinister arson is a danger not just to our legal system but is also unprecedented in our national life."

On Saturday US District Court judge Matthew Brann dismissed a lawsuit filed by the Trump campaign that sought to throw out millions of mail-in votes in Pennsylvania, ruling that Mr Trump's campaign had failed to demonstrate there had been widespread voter fraud.

"This court has been presented with strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations," Mr Brann wrote.

He added that he "has no authority to take away the right to vote of even a single person, let alone millions of citizens".

Rudy Giuliani did not immediately respond to The Independent’s request for comment.

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