Mike Pence mocked for spin on Trump election slogan

‘We’re gonna make America great again, again,’ vice president says

Louise Hall
Tuesday 25 August 2020 16:50 BST
Mike Pence says we are going to 'Make America Great Again...again'
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Mike Pence’s attempt to rebrand the president’s iconic slogan for the upcoming 2020 election has been ridiculed after his speech on the opening night at the Republican National Convention (RNC).

Social media users mocked the vice president for a seemingly glaring flaw in the new phrase, which provided an updated take on Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign line “Make America Great Again”.

Speaking on the first night of the RNC on Monday, Mr Pence told the virtual audience: “we’re gonna make America great again, again.”

Viewers were quick to criticise Mr Pence, saying that it implied the administration had failed in its initial efforts to make the country great in their first term.

“Make America Great Again, Again” — the 2020 GOP platform is basically that Trump deserves a mulligan,” one user said.

“Mr Pence just capped off his surprise speech at the RNC by pledging to “make America great again, again,” which sounds like an acknowledgement that the first term didn’t go so well,” New York Daily News reporter Chris Sommerfeldt tweeted.

Others joked that the administration was using the rebrand as an opportunity to sell new and improved MAGA merchandise.

“Mr Trump just wants to sell a bunch of new hats,” another user posted.

Some took the opportunity to support Democratic presidential nominee’s Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

“@VP you had your chance to make America great again. No need to add “again, again”. You and don had your chance. Get ready to move out. #BidenHarris2020Landslide,” one user said.

Mr Trump, however, has coined the phrase “Keep America Great” as his 2020 presidential election campaign slogan.

A month after announcing his run to seek a second term in office, the US President told a rally in Pennsylvania he could not use his 2016 motto “Make America Great Again” because he had “already done that”.

“So our new slogan, this is on the assumption it happens, you can never be 100 per cent sure, is going to be, ‘Keep America Great’ – exclamation point,” he said.

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