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Midterms 2018: Early voting sees record-breaking turnout as Oprah heads on campaign trail for Stacey Abrams

The major elections are less than a week away 

Clark Mindock
New York
,Chris Riotta,Mythili Sampathkumar
Thursday 01 November 2018 17:16 GMT
US Midterms 2018: The five big questions

The US is just four days away from the 2018 midterm elections on 6 November and races around the country are heating up.

Democrats are attempting to gain control of the US House and Senate in the wake of a contentious, partisan battle over the newly-confirmed Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

There are several state and local races of importance, too, as the parties square off for control of state legislatures and local city councils.

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With the elections less than a week away, this doesn't look too promising for Steve Bannon... 

Lucy Anna Gray31 October 2018 14:29

Early voting among young people in key US midterm battleground states has surged dramatically, the latest data shows, suggesting a potential jump in enthusiasm for Democratic candidates. 

With six days to go until election day, Texas and Georgia, two traditionally Republican-leaning states, have increased their early vote rate among 18-29 year-olds by nearly five times or more compared to 2014.

Lucy Anna Gray31 October 2018 14:48

Reporter Clark Mindock went to Florida to find out more about some of the highly anticipated races in this key state... 

Lucy Anna Gray31 October 2018 15:16

One of the key issues at every US election is healthcare. Candidates' policies on this hotly debated topic can wing voters one way or another. 

This map shows the percentage of people without health insurance per state. The worst offender by some way is Texas, with 17.3 per cent of the population uninsured. The highest rate is the easterly state of Massachusetts, with only 2.8 per cent uninsured.

Lucy Anna Gray31 October 2018 15:46

With the crucial midterm elections less than a week away, here's an eye-catching way to get up to speed on the crucial races across the country, and some of the most important issues shaping the November vote. 

Chris Riotta31 October 2018 16:26

Sarah Huckabee Sanders joined Fox News on Wednesday to discuss the 11 remaining rallies Donald Trump has scheduled ahead of the November midterms. 

The White House press secretary said the president is seeking to “push Republicans over the finish line” while discussing the “unprecedented” success he’s had in the Oval Office. 

Chris Riotta31 October 2018 16:50

Meanwhile, Donald Trump has ramped up his hard-line rhetoric towards immigration, seemingly hoping the focus will help garner support from Republican voters as it did for him in the 2016 election.

The president once again threatened to halt the practice of birthright citizenship on Wednesday, tweeting the policy would be changed "one way or the other."

Chris Riotta31 October 2018 17:10

A new Monmouth poll shows Democratic candidate Tom Malinowski ahead of his Republican opponent Leonard Lance in the state’s congressional midterm campaign, as a notably higher level of Democratic enthusiasm has helped him maintain an edge in the competitive race.

Chris Riotta31 October 2018 17:30

  ↵The 2018 midterm elections has seen a wave of progressive candidates bringing historic campaigns and enthusiasm to deeply red states like Texas. 

Here's how Democratic US Senate candidate Beto O'Rourke managed to gain unprecedented support for his campaign in the Lone Star state - and why that movement doesn't end with a win or lose come November. 

Chris Riotta31 October 2018 17:50

Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum has tweeted a message encouraging his supporters to vote, using the hashtag #BringItHome and sharing a video highlighting his campaign across the state. 

The Florida mayor is currently polling in a statistical dead heat with Ron DeSantis, the state’s Republican candidate for governor. 

Chris Riotta31 October 2018 18:10

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