Trump to reportedly take his false claims of voter fraud on the road with campaign-like rallies

The president will deliver his message of misinformation to voters across the country while battling in the courts, according to a new report

Chris Riotta
New York
Monday 09 November 2020 02:21 GMT
How Trump’s presidency came crashing down at Four Seasons Total Landscaping

President Donald Trump is taking his temper tantrum on the road.

After losing in his re-election bid to President-elect Joe Biden, new reports indicate Mr Trump will be holding campaign-like rallies in states across the country while battling the electoral process in the courts.

The president will display alleged obituaries of deceased voters and claim ballots were cast in their names during the 2020 US elections, Axios reported on Sunday.

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Mr Trump’s false claims of mass voter fraud, particularly surrounding mail-in voting, have no basis in fact or reality, according to a vast pool of data and research that has systematically proven mail-in voting to be safe from fraud and cheating.

A last-ditch effort the president made in Georgia and Pennsylvania to stop votes from being counted were tossed out by federal judges, as Twitter censored statements he posted with false information about the election.

Mr Trump falsely claimed he won the election in a tweet on Saturday, just before Mr Biden spoke for the first time in a major televised speech since the results were officially determined, writing in all-caps: “I WON THIS ELECTION, BY A LOT!”

An adviser to the Trump campaign told Axios the president’s re-election team has now turned into a a messaging operation which will soon include “regular press briefings, releases on legal action and obviously things like talking points and booking people strategically on television.”

The news outlet also said the campaign would continue seeking fundraising for the president’s legal battles against the electoral process. In fact, the campaign has already sent a slew of emails to supporters urging them to help pay for the court challenges in states like Arizona, Pennsylvania and Georgia. 

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