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Democratic debates: Democrats prepare for fifth debate after key impeachment witness says Trump directed Ukraine 'quid pro quo' in bombshell testimony

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Clark Mindock
New York
,Andrew Feinberg,Alex Woodward
Wednesday 20 November 2019 23:39 GMT
Donald Trump reenacts conversation with Gordon Sondland after bombshell impeachment testimony

Gordon Sondland has implicated a number of White House officials who were “in the loop” with Donald Trump's direction to withhold aid to Ukraine in an exchange for a meeting and a public statement announcing an investigation into the president’s political opponents.

The testimony came as Democrats were preparing to hold their fifth debate of 2020 in Atlanta, where they will undoubtedly be asked about the freshly sprung impeachment inquiry that has dominated headlines.

Mr Sondland, a US ambassador to the EU, affirmed that there was a so-called quid pro quo, dropping a bombshell testimony into another pivotal hearing in the House impeachment inquiry into the president’s alleged abuses of power in his dealings with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky.

According to his testimony, Mr Sondland worked under the president’s order to work with Rudy Giuliani “not because we liked it but because it was the only constructive path” to building a relationship with a vulnerable Ukraine. In emails and other conversations with US officials — including Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Energy Secretary Rick Perry — Mr Sondland established a clear link from the president, through Giuliani, and efforts to engage Ukraine with investigations into the 2016 election and Burisma.

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Mr Trump told reporters outside the White House that he barely knows Mr Sondland, who he previously called a "great American", and that he seems like a “nice guy".

The president read from a stack of papers in his hand, which included, in capital letters, his recollection of a conversation with Mr Sondland in which Trump said "I WANT NOTHING. I WANT NOTHING. I WANT NO QUID PRO QUO."

White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said that "the US aid to Ukraine flowed, no investigation was launched, and President Trump has met and spoken with President Zelensky. Democrats keep chasing ghosts."

Mr Pence and Mr Perry also released statements during the hearing denying Mr Giuliani’s influence in their dealings with Ukraine. They’ve refused to testify in the impeachment probe.

Mr Trump also lashed out at his Democratic opponents conducting the House impeachment inquiry, mocked key witnesses giving testimony for their sartorial choices and denied that the onset of a heart attack was what prompted his sudden trip to hospital on Saturday.

"These people are sick. They’re sick. And the press really in this country is dangerous. We don’t have freedom of the press in this country. We have the opposite. We have a very corrupt media," the president ranted from the Cabinet Room of the White House on Tuesday.

The inquiry heard from four witnesses on Tuesday who detailed the administration’s coercion of Ukraine.


And we're back, folks.

Clark Mindock21 November 2019 03:00

Buttigieg says that he does not believe Donald Trump cares about American farmers, even though he has asked them to be on his side.

He says that American farmers, he believes, are a major way that the US can combat climate change.

Clark Mindock21 November 2019 03:01

Buttigieg says that he would continue subsidies for farmers, but notes that they would not be needed because he would end the trade war.

Clark Mindock21 November 2019 03:02

Gabbard asked how she would ensure that climate change policies are carried out through decades, and beyond a two term presidency.

She says the issue is not a partisan one, and that the "hyperpartisan" nature of Washington has "created a gridlock" to transitioning off of fossil fuels, including ending subsidies that could be used to invest in green, renewable economy.

Clark Mindock21 November 2019 03:03

Steyer ow up to talk about climate change, asked about making permanent change: "I'm the only person on this stage who will say that climate change is the number one priority for me. ... It is a state of emergency, and I would declare a state of emergency on day one."

He says he has been fighting oil companies for decades.

Clark Mindock21 November 2019 03:04

Biden: "I think it is the existential threat to humanity. It's the number one issue. And I don't need a lecture from my friend" Tom Steyer.

Biden then says he passed and introduced pro-climate bills, while Tom Steyer was making a fortune off of fossil fuels.

Clark Mindock21 November 2019 03:06

Harris says that Donald Trump "got punked" on foreign policy.

Clark Mindock21 November 2019 03:10

Harris says she would not make concessions to North Korea "at this point, there are no concessions to make", then accuses Trump of trading a "photo op" for nothing.

Clark Mindock21 November 2019 03:10

Biden and Sanders just had a nice moment, with the former vice president noting that Kim Jong Un called him a "rabid dog", only to be interrupted by Sanders saying:

"Other than that, you like him"

And Biden played along: "Other than that, I like him. Yeah."

Rare laughter was heard in the room.

Clark Mindock21 November 2019 03:13

Sanders hits Biden for supporting the war in Iraq, noting that he opposed that war.

"I think we need a foreign policy that understands who our enemies are, that we don't have to spend more money on the military than the next ten nations combined."

Sanders notes the high cost of war -- including money, mass migrations, etc -- but says "unlike Trump, I won't do ti with a tweet at four in the morning."

Clark Mindock21 November 2019 03:14

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