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Touching moment a German toddler and refugee girl meet, captured on film

Many Germans have turned out to greet and help the refugees as they arrive

Rose Troup Buchanan
Wednesday 09 September 2015 15:27 BST
The moment the two girls meet
The moment the two girls meet (Cassandra Vinograd, via Twitter)

The touching moment a German toddler gave a newly arrived refugee girl a sweet has been captured on film.

The unidentified girl appears to hand over her sweets to the little refugee, as both girls’ mothers look on smiling in Munich, Germany.

Since being posted online on Monday the Vine has been looped more than 700,000 times and retweeted more than 1,000.

NBC reporter Cassandra Vinohrad, who recorded the heart-warming greeting, captioned the image: “This sweet moment… A young German girl and a newly arrived young refugee”.

Germany has taken in the highest number of refugees in Europe, with many citizens manning stations at entry points to the country to help dispense food and clothing to arriving refugees.

The little girl's action comes as European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker detailed a plan to tackle the flow of refugees into Europe, following a week of massive public support in favour of helping the refugees.

Among the measures discussed are plans to reverse downgrading the number of warships and rescue operations off the coasts of Italy and Greece, where many refugees eventually come ashore.

Meanwhile, in the UK David Cameron said Britain could take up to 20,000 refugees. The Prime Minister also dismissed claims by former Liberal Democrat leader Paddy Ashdown that refugee children would be deported once they reached 18.

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