Diouf lawer denies assault claims

Thursday 11 March 2010 15:47 GMT

El Hadji Diouf's lawyer has insisted allegations of assault against the Blackburn player are "erroneous".

A woman in his home country Senegal has filed a complaint against the player that he assaulted her in a casino in June last year.

He has been charged with wounding with intent and if found guilty could face two years in jail.

The striker is back in Britain and may be required to return to face the allegations at a court in Senegal at a later date.

His lawyer Baboucar Cisse issued a statement today saying the alleged victim Mrs Khady Sy "filed a complaint without being able to establish the veracity of the allegations against Mr Diouf".

It goes on: "The charges against Mr Diouf are clearly erroneous."

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