World Cup 2018: England players mark Grenfell Tower fire anniversary with minute’s silence before training

England’s session at Zelenogorsk today started with a minute’s silence to mark the one year anniversary of the Grenfell fire

Jack Pitt-Brooke
Thursday 14 June 2018 11:02 BST
England team hold minute's silence to honour Grenfell Tower fire victims

England’s session at Zelenogorsk today started with a minute’s silence to mark the one year anniversary of the Grenfell fire, a cause that England internationals Raheem Sterling and Ryan Bertrand have publicly supported and donated to.

A minute’s silence will take place to mark the anniversary of the tragedy across Great Britain at midday, with survivors and bereaved families expected to gather at the foot of the covered 24-storey site to remember the 72 dead.

On Wednesday night, Grenfell Tower was among a dozen buildings illuminated in green as a sign of respect, along with Downing Street and the London Eye.

England’s players lined up at the beginning of their training, with several wearing small green badges in memory of the victims.

Meanwhile, Marcus Rashford missed England training for the second straight day on Thursday morning.

The Manchester United striker is still recovering from a knock sustained in England’s final session on Monday before they flew to St Petersburg.

Despite assurances that it was only a minor knock, Rashford took no part in England’s open session in Zelenogorsk on Wednesday and he was not involved either in Thursday’s morning session, in which only the first 15 minutes were open to the media.

The news gives Rashford only Friday and Saturday to prove his fitness before England fly to Volgograd on Sunday, to face Tunisia on Monday.

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