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Andy Murray wins Queen's doubles final alongside Feliciano Lopez to clinch first title in over two years

The former world number one won his first title in over two years

Tom Kershaw
Sunday 23 June 2019 19:35 BST
Andy Murray after Australian Open loss: 'maybe I'll see you again'

Andy Murray and Feliciano Lopez claimed victory in the men’s doubles final at Queen’s Club.

Murray, who wins his first title in over two years, defeated Joe Salisbury and Rajeev Ram 7-6 5-7 10-5 in front of packed crown in west London.

For the Scot, who hadn't played for six months before this week, it is the perfect return to the game while Lopez adds the doubles crown to the singles title which he won earlier in the day.

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*Lopez 2-1 Simon

It's another struggle for Simon who cutting a rather despairing figure for such an early stage of the match. Lopez outplays him from the baseline again to force the break point, but Simon recovers with a wonderful slice that wrong-foots the Spaniard when under pressure.

A weak second-serve is bludgeoned back by Lopez, but Simon digs out the strength to hold on and get a much-needed game under his belt to halt that early swing of momentum.

Tom Kershaw23 June 2019 14:00

Lopez 3-1 Simon*

The simplest of games for Lopez whose serve is pushing Simon onto the backfoot and allowing the Spaniard to tee up his forehand for which the Frenchman currently has no answer. He races to 40-0, slips a point going for the TV winner, before closing out the game the following point. It's one-way traffic for the time bing.

Tom Kershaw23 June 2019 14:04

*Lopez 4-1 Simon

Great play from Lopez again who runs around his forehand and puppets Simon back and forth. A deft lob forces Simon to attempt a hot-dog shot on the run but it soars past the baseline by a couple of foot and Lopez has a pair of break points.

He converts the second and it's quick work for the Spaniard thus far.

Tom Kershaw23 June 2019 14:08

Lopez 5-1 Simon*

Lopez finds himself in a spot of bother after Simon's brilliant passing shot forces two break points. Yet the Spaniard seems to effortlessly delve into a greater speed of serving and sees off that danger abruptly, dividing his time between the tee and tramline. He's tagged back by Simon at deuce though, courtesy of another brilliant backhand winner, but a final rifled serve sees off that minor scare. He lets out a deep sigh and he's on the very of clinching the first set now.

Tom Kershaw23 June 2019 14:17

*Lopez 5-2 Simon

That's better from Simon who sees out the service game quickly, finally finding the corners with his groundstrokes and taking advantage of Lopez's tired legs.

Tom Kershaw23 June 2019 14:19

Lopez 6-2 Simon

And that's the first set. More dominant serving from Lopez and he's comfortably outplayed Simon this first set. His forehand has far greater speed, the serves are are a world apart, and that's been the difference in a game chock full of unforced errors.

Lopez will desperately be hoping the second can take the same course ahead of his double's final because he certainly looks fatigued.

Tom Kershaw23 June 2019 14:25

Lopez 0-1 Simon*

A nice first-service game to steady the ship for Simon who's treating this second set as a fresh start and places down his early marker.

Tom Kershaw23 June 2019 14:30

*Lopez 0-2 Simon

And there's the break. The tides have turned as Simon raises his level and Lopez appears to have let his concentration slide. The Frenchman is right back in this after another nice series of groundstrokes that exhaust the energy from Lopez.

Tom Kershaw23 June 2019 14:31

Lopez 1-2 Simon*

But Lopez hits back straight away, winning a 30-shot rally to set-up three break points. He only needs the first and just when it looked like Simon had forced a glimmer of hope, the door's been banged back in his face.

Tom Kershaw23 June 2019 14:33

*Lopez 2-2 Simon

Simon places a limp volley at Lopez's forehand and can only raise a fist in acknowledgement as the Spaniard zips a top-spin forehand across his brow.

It's still too easy for Lopez at the moment who can, whenever able to summon the energy to raise his game, quickly convert a series of points by relying on his serve and forehand.

Tom Kershaw23 June 2019 14:38

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