Australian Grand Prix: Valtteri Bottas' four-letter message to his critics after season-opening win

The Finn was out-qualified by Hamilton in Melbourne but was quicker into turn one and rounded off a stellar weekend by taking the bonus point for fastest lap

Alexander Britton
Sunday 17 March 2019 11:51 GMT
Formula One: 2019 season preview

Valtteri Bottas had a four-letter rebuke for his critics after leaving his Mercedes teammate Lewis Hamilton trailing in his wake on his way to a season-opening win in Australia.

The Finn was out-qualified by Hamilton in Melbourne but was quicker into turn one and rounded off a stellar weekend by taking the bonus point for fastest lap.

And after taking the chequered flag, he served up a four-letter riposte to those who had criticised him in the past.

"To whom it may concern, f*** you," the 29-year-old said.

When asked who the message was addressed to, Bottas said: "I think it would be quite a long list. I just wanted to send my best regards.

"There are people around me supporting me. In sport, there's always ups and downs and you can really see the true support... through the difficult times, you can see the other part which a lot more negative. That's their weakness."

Red Bull's Max Verstappen pushed the five-time world champion hard for the second step on the podium, while Ferrari were left to regroup after Sebastian Vettel and Charles Leclerc finished fourth and fifth, nearly a minute back.

When asked "What the hell did you have for breakfast?" after taking his first win since 2017, Bottas replied: "I had some porridge."

He added: "Obviously, the key thing for me was the race start, to get to the lead and then being at the front I could show strong pace and I could pull a gap. Just the car was feeling so good today, it was truly enjoyable.

"For us as a team, we have such a strong package going forwards and then, for myself, after quite a tricky last year, to have started the season like this."

Hamilton said wheelspin may have been to blame as he failed to capitalise on his pole position but Bottas deservedly took the 25 points for the win, putting the hammer down with a string of fastest laps on tyres that had carried him nearly 20 times around the 3.295-mile circuit after those around him had made their stop.

As the contest reached half distance it was a one-horse race with Verstappen making a late bid for the fastest lap which was surpassed on the penultimate circuit by Bottas with a one minute 25.580 second-effort.

Bottas toasted his victory (Getty Images)
Bottas toasted his victory (Getty Images) (Getty)

For the Briton, it was his fourth consecutive pole position around Albert Park and his fourth consecutive second-place finish.

Hamilton said: "It (losing first place into the first corner) doesn't really matter, Valtteri got a better start. Once we got to the first corner, we held position, we had the front row still.

"And Valtteri did an exceptional job throughout the race, so congratulations to him and after that it was just about bringing the car home."

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