Russian Grand Prix: Lewis Hamilton says Red Bull safety canopy 'looks like a riot shield' as criticisms remain

Hamilton has been critical of both saftey devices tested by Ferrari and Red Bull, and claims that the latter's looks 'half-arsed'

Philip Duncan
Sochi, Russia
Friday 29 April 2016 07:38 BST
Daniel Ricciardo sits in the Red Bull with the new safety canopy attached
Daniel Ricciardo sits in the Red Bull with the new safety canopy attached (Getty)

World champion Lewis Hamilton has blasted Red Bull's canopy, which will be given its first public airing on Friday, as "half-arsed" and likened it to a "riot shield".

The proposed head protection device, which is being considered as an alternative to the so-called halo concept, will be trialled on Daniel Ricciardo's car in opening practice for the Russian Grand Prix on Friday.

The FIA, Formula One's governing body, are determined to introduce improved cockpit protection for next year following a number of high-profile incidents.

And it appears increasingly likely that the halo, a concept first devised by Hamilton's Mercedes team and subsequently tested by Ferrari in pre-season testing earlier this year, or Red Bull's canopy will be given the green light.

Ricciardo and his Red Bull team-mate Daniil Kvyat have already run the concept on the team's simulator, and unlike the halo, it has no central pillar, but two pillars on the side, with a windscreen acting as a shield.

"If they're going to do this, close the cockpit like a fighter jet," Hamilton said. "Don't half-arse it. Go one way or the other.

Everyone comes to me who's just started watching Formula One and says, 'Oh it's so dangerous'. That's a large part of why they are so in awe of what you do

&#13; <p>Lewis Hamilton</p>&#13;

"That screen looks so bad. It looks like a bloody riot shield. You've got this cool, elegant futuristic Formula One car, and you've got a riot shield sitting on top of it."

Earlier this year, Hamilton courted controversy after he said he would be opposed to using the halo - a modification which he also described as the "worst looking" in Formula One history - should it be introduced. German Nico Hulkenberg has also been vocal in his opposition of the concept.

But Jenson Button, the 2009 world champion, Sebastian Vettel, a four-time champion, and Ricciardo are among the leading voices on the grid in favour of change.

Lewis Hamilton said Red Bull's design looks 'half-arsed' and 'like a riot shield'
Lewis Hamilton said Red Bull's design looks 'half-arsed' and 'like a riot shield' (Getty)

Hamilton, though, competing in his 10th Formula One season, added: "When I get in that car, I know that there is a danger. That's been the same since I started when I was eight.

"That's a risk that I am willing to take and that every single driver that's ever got in the car has been willing to take.

"Everyone comes to me who's just started watching Formula One and says, 'Oh it's so dangerous'. That's a large part of why they are so in awe of what you do. Take away all that and that person could do it, almost."


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