Current Twitter trends: 'perfect sex,' Facebook, Brisbane floods

Wednesday 12 January 2011 01:00 GMT
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Twitter's trending topics are topped by hashtags about great and perfect sex on January 12 at 7:30 AM GMT.

"#theperfectsex" and "#greatsexwillmakeyou" fill the top two places on the chart, while "#blamepalin" is in third place.

According to tech blog Mashable, Facebook paid $8.5 million to acquire the domain name. Twitter users are busy retweeting the news with fifth place term "Facebook Paid."

Comedy film " Soul Plane" is in fourth place, romantic comedy series Let's " Stay Together" is in sixth place, the name of American actor and rapper "Tyrese" Gibson is in seventh place and "Malik" Wright, a character on American TV series The Game, is in tenth place.

Heavy rainfall in Australia has caused severe flooding in Queensland and its capital city, Brisbane. Twitterers are spreading news headlines about the floods with their 140 characters and eighth and ninth place terms "Brisbane" and "QLD" (short for "Queensland").

"A bull shark has been spotted in a flooded street in Goodna, between Ipswich and Brisbane #qldfloods," "Footy field or Swimming pool? Picture of Suncorp Stadium in Brisbane. #qldfloods #thebigwet" and "Things look bad in Brisbane. The river is expected to rise by 20M. The power is off in the CBD," tweet microbloggers.

The top 10 most talked about topics on Twitter on January 12 at 7:30 AM GMT are:

  1. #theperfectsex (new)
  2. #greatsexwillmakeyou (new)
  3. #blamepalin (new)
  4. Soul Plane (new)
  5. Facebook Paid (new)
  6. Stay Together (new)
  7. Tyrese (new)
  8. Brisbane (new)
  9. QLD (new)
  10. Malik (new)

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