Giant wearable mech suit for sale on Amazon


Christopher Hooton
Thursday 15 January 2015 12:57 GMT

Ideal for anyone who enjoys destroying cities and throwing cars at fleeing citizens, an operational Kuratas mech robot suit has hit Amazon Japan, albeit for an eye-watering price tag.

Piloted using motion controls on a touchscreen device operated from inside a small cockpit, the suit was designed back in 2012 and came with twin Gatling guns capable of shooting 6000 BBs per minute, though sadly this 'starter kit' is arms-sold-separately.

It is produced by Suidobashi Heavy Industry and on sale for ¥120,000,000 (over $1 million dollars), but hey at least shipping is only about $3.

Customers looking to terrorise their neighbours or star in their own Guillermo Del Toro-esque robot vs kaiju movie can learn how to operate the suit in the video above, though they should probably be aware that it has a top speed of 6mph and 'safety and comfort' are not guaranteed.

As slightly more affordable absurd gadgets go, how about this insanely over-the-top external controller for your smartphone?

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