Online broadcaster appointed for June video game expo

Tuesday 01 June 2010 00:45 BST
(2009 G4 Media, Inc. All rights reserved)

Cable TV and online broadcaster G4TV has announced its intention to provide official coverage of one of the world's premier video games events, the Electronic Entertainment Expo, June 14-17.

The Electronic Entertainment Expo (commonly known as E3) is an essential fixture, comparable to GamesCom in August and the Tokyo Games Show in September, as console manufacturers and games developers use it to showcase their exciting new projects.

E3's June timing also means that many of the projects revealed can make it into the hands of the public before the end of the year. G4 is promising 25 hours of coverage that includes the major press conferences, game demos, and interviews with top brass.

This year, Microsoft and Sony are both building up to big presentations to show off their respective motion controller technology, and Nintendo has the handheld DS successor in store. Big developers and publishers such as EA, Ubisoft and Valve will be there too, enticing viewers with juicy screenshots and videos.

All will be attempting to outdo each other and guarantee themselves a share of the lucrative end-of-year consumer spend as new products and games launch from September onwards.

G4TV has earmarked the upcoming Star Wars: The Old Republic as their one to watch, devoting an exclusive 30-minute segment on Tuesday, June 15 to a first play.

The massively multiplayer game isn't due out until March 2011 at the earliest but E3 represents a prominent opportunity for the game's developers to persuade fans of its merits, especially given that many will be entrenched within the pre-eminent World of Warcraft.

Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony all provided live streaming of their press conferences in previous years and are expected to do so again, either via their own websites or by allowing specialist video game websites to carry the content.

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