The best new computing products released in 2009

Relax News
Friday 20 November 2009 01:00 GMT

Google Wave and WolframAlpha are just two of the products that made it into the list of top computing products for 2009.

Computer products are evolving at lighting speeds and 2009 has provided us with some great new computing inventions. US-based magazine Popular Science published a list of the top 100 new product releases for 2009 on their online portal, PopSci, on November 12.

The products contained within the list were selected due to their potential ability to change the way we think about computer technology.

The winner of year's Computing section was Wolfram Research's WolframAlpha - a search engine that uses context and probability to compute a solution to your search query instead of providing you with a list of possible internet locations where you go to find the information.

Apple's Macbook Pro laptop, a social networking and real-time collaboration program called Google Wave, Clearwire's super-speed wireless WiMax internet technology and Nvidia's powerful ION chipset were among the products that made it onto the Popular Science "Best of What's New: Computing" list for 2009.

Popular Science's "Best of What's New: Computing" list for 2009:

1. Wolfram Research WolframAlpha
2. Logitech Performance Mouse MX
3. Apple MacBook Pro
4. Google Wave
5. Clearwire Clear 4G WiMax
6. Nvidia Ion
7. Marvell SheevaPlug
8. Microsoft Windows 7

For more information on each of the products listed visit:

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