Jeremy Corbyn may be neutral on Brexit, but at least he is now committed to a Final Say referendum

Editorial: As yesterday’s well-attended rally confirmed, Labour Party members overwhelmingly support EU membership

Saturday 21 September 2019 16:37 BST
Jeremy Corbyn: I want to deliver the decisions made by the British people

Jeremy Corbyn’s policy on Brexit is now absolutely clear. It may be hard to maintain in the rough weather of an election campaign. It may not satisfy those, such as the deputy leader of his own party (now that he has deigned to allow that post to continue), who want Labour to advocate remaining in the European Union in all circumstances.

But it is clear. Mr Corbyn’s policy, if elected to government, would be to offer the people a choice in a new referendum between a “sensible Leave deal” and remaining in the EU, and to implement whichever they prefer.

Mr Corbyn’s own position remains neutral, but his commitment to a referendum in which the question is clear is an important step forward for The Independent’s campaign for a Final Say referendum.

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