Haunted by the spelling mistakes all around us, spare a thought for the editors

I have to bite my tongue when reading through my kids’ homework (they’re prone to non-sequiturs)

Joel Dimmock
Friday 01 March 2019 18:23 GMT
Turns out no one likes having their emails scoured for style points. It’s a lesson we have to quickly learn
Turns out no one likes having their emails scoured for style points. It’s a lesson we have to quickly learn (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Whatever your career, you’ll be left with the marks of it. The scars of battle, literal scars in some cases.

Pneumatic drill operators might be cursed by “vibration white finger”, but for editors the legacy of years in the newsroom can be more subtle.

The trouble is, when you’ve been trained to sharpen copy, spot errors, check grammar and fix typos, it’s just very hard to stop dead when the factory whistle blows. This will shock you, but people don’t appreciate the input of an editor as much as you might think.

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