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Letter: Airline vultures

Mr M. J. Osborne-Crone
Friday 30 October 1992 00:02 GMT

Sir: As one of the hundreds of Dan-Air employees due to be made redundant on 7 November, through British Airways' takeover, it is with anger that I read 'Airlines join forces to fight Dan-Air takeover' (27 October). If BA, by these airlines' actions, is prevented from going ahead with the deal, Dan-Air would become another Air Europe. Many hundreds more would be made unemployed and there would be minimal compensation for any of us.

Other British airlines had their chance to aid Dan-Air. It seems they would rather be vultures waiting to pick up the pieces for their own benefit than think about the people they are affecting.

Yours faithfully,


Horley, Surrey

29 October

The author is a First Officer

with Dan-Air.

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