Letter: Diplomatic error

Mr Rubens Antonio
Wednesday 19 April 1995 23:02 BST

From Mr Rubens Antonio Barbosa

Sir: I read with great interest the article "What price integrity today?" (18 April) by Vincent Cable. I would like to say, as far as Brazil is concerned, that the factual information is correct. I was pleased to notice that Brazilian democratic institutions were mentioned as promoting transparency and accountability. I was nevertheless amazed to see the unfortunate mistake made in the publication of a photograph of former President Itamar Franco instead of that of his predecessor, Fernando Collor de Mello, to whom the article refers.

Having succeeded former President Collor de Mello after the impeachment process in 1992, President Itamar Franco has become a symbol of public morality and democratic values in Brazil. He has just been appointed by the new President, Fernando Henrique Cardoso, as Ambassador in Portugal.

Yours sincerely,



Brazilian Embassy

London, W1

18 April

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