LETTER:Oklahoma: anti-heroes and racist reporting

Mr Mohammad Safaei
Wednesday 26 April 1995 23:02 BST

Sir: Despite the conclusions reached in Michael Sheridan's article on the bombing incident in Oklahoma ("Iran terror units 'looked for targets' ", 21 April), reports by American officials rule out any foreign involvement in the bombing outrage. It is chokingly depressing to note that this is the second time in recent weeks that such unfounded "analyses" have been published in your highly respected newspaper.

The suggestion that Iranian embassies are involved in such unsavoury activities is highly defamatory and offensive. On a larger scale, you will agree that such fabrications create hatred and suspicion against Muslims and are most unhelpful in the efforts aimed at establishing mutual understanding between the Muslim world and the West.

President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani has strongly condemned the bombing in Oklahoma City, calling it a "criminal act". He has further said that Iran's position towards the issue is "very clear" and added that Iranian officials are strongly against such crimes committed by anyone.

Yours faithfully,


Deputy Head of Mission

Embassy of the

Islamic Republic of Iran

London, SW7

25 April

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