Letter: Pre-election tax planning

Ian Barlow
Wednesday 10 April 1996 23:02 BST

Sir: Recent research conducted by KPMG (Succession Planning Survey, April 1996) suggests that the majority of business owners, while aware of the benefits of tax planning, have done little to maximise the potential gain from existing opportunities.

That, and not a desire to speculate on what a future Labour government's tax policies might be, is the rationale behind our recent series of pre- election tax planning seminars. Far from wishing to frighten our clients into taking action (leading article, 9 April) KPMG believes its duty lies in advising its clients and others of the tax implications of a number of possible post-election scenarios, not just those of a Labour administration.

As professional tax advisers, that is our clear and obvious responsibility and one which we, as a strictly apolitical firm, have routinely undertaken in the run-up to previous general elections.

Ian Barlow

Head of Tax, KPMG

London EC4

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