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Letter: Sex, Sugar and underage girls

Mr Peter Luff
Friday 26 January 1996 00:02 GMT

From Mr Peter Luff, MP

Sir: I was disappointed to read Joanne Elvin's article "Some advice on sex and hunks" (24 January). She claims that her magazine, Sugar, by offering practical sexual advice to young girls such as Sarah Cook, now illegally married to a Turk, can help make them more comforted and reassured.

In fact it is precisely magazines such as Sugar, by persuading girls that they are only really fulfilled human beings if they are sexually active at a young age, which contribute to tragedies such as that of Sarah.

On the face of it, Ms Elvin's argument may look plausible, but it is misleading. While no one is arguing for ignorance, most people feel girls of 12 and 13 should not be taught the details of masturbation and oral sex, and that they should not be encouraged to find personal fulfilment through promiscuity.

If anyone is in any doubt, I invite them to go out and buy the February edition of Sugar and read it for themselves. Their doubts will be quickly dispelled.

Yours faithfully,

Peter Luff

MP for Worcester (Con)

House of Commons

London, SW1

24 January

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