Letter: Sliced and wrapped

Mr A. Casdagli
Friday 04 March 1994 00:02 GMT

Sir: Your Top 10 Breads chart (Going Out, 2 March) provided an interesting insight into the breads favoured by the consumers of London's Muswell Hill. However, if it was meant to indicate wider preference, it fell short of the mark.

By far the most popular type of bread in the UK - and, I suspect London as a whole - is the white sliced and wrapped loaf, with wholemeal sliced and wrapped in second place and brown sliced and wrapped in third place. Other breads, including white and brown unsliced, account for around 16 per cent of the total bread market, with speciality breads, such as Turkish sun and ciabatta, accounting for around only 1 per cent of the total UK bread market.

Yours faithfully,



The Federation of Bakers

London, WCl

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