Nigel Farage is a charlatan

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Monday 13 May 2019 14:48 BST
Nigel Farage explodes at Andrew Marr live on air, accusing him of 'most ridiculous interview ever'

The BBC can justifiably be accused of inconsistency in allowing airtime on Thursday to the leader of the Brexit Party, but banning Heidi Allen on Friday.

However, Question Time last week should be compulsory viewing for anyone considering voting for the Brexit Party in the EU elections.

The behaviour of Nigel Farage was appalling. He was rude and sarcastic to his fellow panellists. He repeatedly shouted people down, and generally revealed himself to be the epitome of boorishness.

Surely even an enthusiastic “leaver” should think twice about the risk of having such a person to represent us even, as they would hope, briefly.

Susan Alexander
Frampton Cotterell

I hope the Lib Dems, Change UK etc will make the public fully aware that Farage is a climate change denier, rather than just concentrate on Brexit. People care deeply about the very future of our planet, particularly since the showing of Attenborough's programme. Focus on this subject, which obviously overrides Brexit, would surely be the best way of ending his career.

Rachel Greenwood

It was no surprise to read of the leader of the Brexit Party’s conduct following his latest principled actions.

If the UK actually leaves the EU he will use his fortune, as will other millionaire Brexiteers, to enable them to walk away from that car crash too.

Eddie Dougall​
Walsham le Willows

I can remember the days when I could turn on the BBC and not have Nigel Farage constantly appearing on the screen.

Sarah Pegg​

Vote with your head

It is my fervent hope that common sense will prevail and that we will have a second referendum on membership of the EU which will indicate that leaving is an error. However, we are in danger of ignoring the fast approaching EU elections which may see the UK being represented in Europe by nationalists whose sole aim will not be to support Britain's interests, but to disrupt all that the EU is trying to achieve, doing extreme harm to all.

Ignoring the current muddle in Westminster we must ensure that whatever happens in the short term, the nationalists whose aims are to create an isolated and alienated Britain, from which it will take many years to recover, must be stopped. This can be achieved by voting patriotically and sensibly at the approaching European elections.

Matt Minshall​
King's Lynn

Expose those behind the Home Office’s cruelty

Individuals and, presumably, committees hide behind the decisions of the Home Office.

I’d like to know who exactly takes these, often cruel and uncaring, decisions about the deportation and treatment of asylum seekers and immigrants.

The Home Office doesn’t.

Dr Anthony Ingleton

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