April Fools' Day 2015: From chocolate Benedict Cumberbatch to Downton Abbey's 70s spinoff - the best true stories that could have been jokes

Even we weren't sure that Sarah Harding was really joining Corrie

Jess Denham
Wednesday 01 April 2015 16:46 BST
The life-size Benedict Cumberbatch chocolate sculpture is really quite something
The life-size Benedict Cumberbatch chocolate sculpture is really quite something (PA)

Every year, April Fools' Day makes gullible goons of us all and today has been no different. But within the flood of fake news stories (Jeremy Clarkson becoming a 'special adviser on transport' and the public loving Katie Hopkins being two of ours), we were surprised to discover that not all the 'that has got to be a joke' articles were frauds.

Here's our pick of the best reports that easily could have been April Fools but are in fact, true.

Sarah Harding is joining Coronation Street

Yes you read that right - 13 years after she appeared on TV in Popstars: The Rivals, former Girls Aloud singer Sarah will star in Coronation Street. Exact details remain unknown but the 33-year-old will play a feisty character who makes life difficult for troublemaker Tracy Barlow. Don't worry, you weren't the only one to doubt her acting credentials.

Benedict Cumberbatch is now a six-foot 'Cumberchoc'

You can now sink your teeth into a life-size 40kg chocolate of the Sherlock actor - this is not a hoax. He really is good enough to eat the craftsmanship on display is quite something.

((Pic: Matt Alexander/PA))

Vulva artist unveils 'Great Wall of Vagina' sculpture

It might spark a fit of giggles but Jamie McCartney's artwork aims to free women from genital anxiety. His sculpture is made from the plaster casts of 400 women's vulvas and it's not a joke.

Downton Abbey creator wants a Seventies spin-off

Julian Fellowes is seriously considering a future series of the soon-to-end period drama set in the decade of disco and punk. We can't see Lady Mary being a fan but perhaps we will find out after all?

There will be a Downton Abbey Christmas special for series six
There will be a Downton Abbey Christmas special for series six (ITV)

Kendrick Lamar's alternative album title

Lamar is such a big Tupac fan that he wanted to pay tribute to his late fellow rapper. To Pimp A Butterfly was originally set to be titled Tu Pimp A Caterpillar, which abbreviates to Tu-P-A-C. Then he changed his mind.

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